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Responsive Web Design Tester Chrome插件


Responsive Web Design Tester Chrome插件图文教程

Responsive Web Design Tester is a quick and easy way to test your responsive website.
Test your mobile site on mobile devices.
This extension reflects both the size and the browser of the mobile device.

Quickly preview your responsive website designs at the dimensions they will be seen on popular mobile devices.

RWD tester also uses the correct User-Agent, but it does not render web pages in the same way as the mobile device. It is primarily for developers who want to test how a page responds to different devices.

Supports both external and internal network (localhost).

Includes presets for iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android (Samsung Galaxy, Nexus 7).

Add your own devices if you don´t find anything that suits your needs.

Responsive Web Design Tester Chrome插件图片

  • Responsive Web Design Tester插件图片
  • Responsive Web Design Tester插件图片
  • Responsive Web Design Tester插件图片

Responsive Web Design Tester基本信息

插件名称:Responsive Web Design Tester 插件作者: 插件语言:English 官方站点:暂无官方站点 插件唯一标识:objclahbaimlfnbjdeobicmmlnbhamkg

Responsive Web Design Tester用户数和评分

下载次数:125611 用户评分:4.35714 (共5分) 参与评分人数:364

Responsive Web Design Tester文件信息

当前版本:1.0.7 最后更新日期:2020-06-30 文件大小:104KB

Responsive Web Design Tester下载地址

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