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Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴 Chrome插件


Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴 Chrome插件图文教程

Google Tasks插件概述

Google Tasks是一款由谷歌官方出品的,用来帮助用户添加,查看和编辑谷歌任务的chrome插件。我们现在经常强调多任务并行,有太多事情需要我们按轻重缓急一一处理。都说好记性不如烂笔头,以前我们在记事本上一条条写下待办事项,又或者在智能手机的年代习惯了打开各种apps,记录需要办理的事情。今天我们要为大家介绍的的这款google tasks就是这样一款可以帮助大家解决时间管理,任务管理的好帮手。
google tasks

Google Tasks插件功能介绍

Google Tasks插件下载安装

1.用户可以在谷歌chrome商店找到google tasks插件的下载地址,并且可以选择直接在线安装。

2.如果你的chrome商店无法打开,可以再本站离线下载安装google tasks。

Google Tasks插件怎么安装?

Google Tasks插件使用说明

1.google tasks插件在chrome浏览器安装成功后,我们可以在插件列表页查看到:
google tasks安装成功


2.google tasks插件如何使用?




Google Tasks插件英文介绍

Official Chrome Extension for Google Tasks
Easily add and manage your tasks from Chrome in one of three ways:

* Simply type "t Your new task" into the Chrome Omnibar to easily add a task from whatever web page you're on.

* Click the Tasks icon to add a task, see your tasks and task lists and mark a task as completed

* Highlight text on any web page, right click and add that text to a new task.

Tasks are visible everywhere that you can see your Google Tasks - in Gmail, Calendar, iGoogle, Mobile and via the Google Tasks API.

This extension has been released as an example of the Google Tasks API, and can be viewed and contributed to at https://code.google.com/p/google-tasks-chrome-extension

Please note that if you sign into multiple Google accounts you should ensure that the first account you sign into is the account you wish to use when managing Tasks via this extension.

Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴 Chrome插件图片

  • Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴插件图片

Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴基本信息

插件名称:Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴 插件作者: 插件语言:English 官方站点:暂无官方站点 插件唯一标识:dmglolhoplikcoamfgjgammjbgchgjdd

Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴用户数和评分

下载次数:460581 用户评分:2.89806 (共5分) 参与评分人数:1962

Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴文件信息

当前版本:1.2 最后更新日期:2020-07-08 文件大小:73.27KiB

Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴下载地址

Google Tasks (by Google) - 谷歌任务管理列表便利贴相关插件

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