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Outlook Web Access notifier Chrome插件


Outlook Web Access notifier Chrome插件图文教程

Outlook Web Access notifier Chrome Extension.
Outlook Web Access Notifier
for Microsoft Exchange Web Services

This extension does check of unread emails in Index folder of MS Exchange's Outlook Web Access 2010.
Need to enabled the Exchange Web Services (EWS).

P.S. Please, help me to improve extension. If you have a bug or idea, just send me email or report on GitHub with your case. Thnx.

Version 2.0.0.x beta
- Account delete confirmation
- Inactive background page fixed
- Fix notification timeout
- Added displaying error number
- Settings improvements
- Added multi account support
- Support old and new notification API
- Now extension looking for unread emails in all directories
- A few changes in core
- The main module was fully rewrited

Version 1.4.8
- Added notification display time disabling

Version 1.4.7
- Added notification display time

Version 1.4.x
- Desktop notifications
- Change update count logic
- User-friendly design
- Fix a lot of bugs

Version 1.3.x
- Display of unread count emails
- Notification check interval control

Version 1.2.x
- Play sound on notifications
- Volume sound notification control
- Minifed js files for quickly extension loading

Version 1.1.x
- You can test owa settings by button "Test Settings"
- Icon animation on update count
- Based on responsive web design
- Autologin on clicking a notifier icon

Outlook Web Access notifier Chrome插件图片

  • Outlook Web Access notifier插件图片
  • Outlook Web Access notifier插件图片
  • Outlook Web Access notifier插件图片
  • Outlook Web Access notifier插件图片

Outlook Web Access notifier基本信息

插件名称:Outlook Web Access notifier 插件作者:3axap4eHko 插件语言:English 官方站点:https://github.com/3axap4eHko/OWA-Notifier 插件唯一标识:hldldpjjjagjfikfknadmnnmpbbhgihg

Outlook Web Access notifier用户数和评分

下载次数:9778 用户评分:3.92424 (共5分) 参与评分人数:66

Outlook Web Access notifier文件信息

当前版本: 最后更新日期:2020-07-10 文件大小:215KB

Outlook Web Access notifier下载地址

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