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ThinkVantage Password Manager Chrome插件


ThinkVantage Password Manager Chrome插件图文教程

An extension to support Lenovo's ThinkVantage Password Manager in Google Chrome!
NOTE: You must download and install the latest version of the Password Manager application (v4.60 or later) from the Lenovo Web site to use this extension.

Lenovo's ThinkVantage Password Manager makes logging on to your favorite Web sites quicker and easier! Password Manager helps ease the burden of keeping track of your user IDs and passwords by securely storing them on your computer and automatically filling them in for you when it’s time to log in.

Lenovo's ThinkVantage Password Manager works better than the password manager built into Chrome because you can use it to fill in passwords in other browsers, and it also supports using the fingerprint reader built into your Lenovo computer for additional convenience and security. The ThinkVantage Password Manager application includes a full UI for managing your stored passwords.

You must download and install the latest ThinkVantage Password Manager application from the Lenovo Support Web site to use this Chrome extension (v4.60 or later required).

ThinkVantage Password Manager Chrome插件图片

  • ThinkVantage Password Manager插件图片

ThinkVantage Password Manager基本信息

插件名称:ThinkVantage Password Manager 插件作者:lenovocdlapp 插件语言:English (United States) 官方站点:暂无官方站点 插件唯一标识:lpdfbkehegfmedglgemnhbnpmfmioggj

ThinkVantage Password Manager用户数和评分

下载次数:205339 用户评分:2.81132 (共5分) 参与评分人数:53

ThinkVantage Password Manager文件信息

当前版本:4.60.3 最后更新日期:2020-07-07 文件大小:33.24KB

ThinkVantage Password Manager下载地址

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