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Minimal Bookmarks Tree Chrome插件


Minimal Bookmarks Tree Chrome插件图文教程

Display a tree of bookmarks under a toolbar button, and search your bookmarks in the omnibox using the keyword 'bm'.
This extension adds a button to Chrome in the top right corner (next to the wrench). When you click the button you get a tree of your bookmarks with folders that you can open and close by clicking them. A simple -non obtrusive- sliding animation is applied to the opening and closing of folders.

To open a bookmark in the current tab, just click it. If you want to open a bookmark in a new tab, middle click it. And if you want to open a bookmark in a new tab in the background (i.e., stay on the current tab), ctrl-click it.

The tree uses simple folder icons that show their state (open/close) and also shows the favicons for the websites you've bookmarked.

The extension remembers which folders were open, so you can leave your favorite folders open at all times.

Additionally the extension enables you to search through your bookmarks easily by entering 'bm' into the URL bar (or "omnibar" as chrome calls it) and then type your search terms. It is not and will not be possible to search in the popup window itself because this wouldn't add anything to the extension; it would just duplicate behaviour.

Minimal bookmarks tree is completely open source and available on github: https://github.com/rpkamp/chrome-minimal-bookmarks-tree

Any and all suggestions are welcomed.


* Fixed problem with opening all bookmarks in a folder recursively
* Added option to select one of three icons: default, star, open star


UPDATE v1.00
* Searching in the omnibar produces more than just 1 result again.


UPDATE v0.99
* Middle click on a folder opens all bookmarks within that folder (just like right click -> `open all` does)
* Better script for opening all bookmarks in a folder


UPDATE v0.98
* Fixed middle mouse button (scrollwheel) click to open links in a new tab
* Fix with bookmark sorting (some positions weren't allowed to sort to but the tree displayed it anyway. This is now corrected)


UPDATE v0.97
* Fixed broken "Open all" functionality that was broken due to JIT loading introduced in v0.96.


UPDATE v0.96
* Upgrade to jQuery 2.0.3 (from 1.8)
* Upgrade to jQuery UI 1.10.3 (from 1.8)
* Introduced just in time (JIT) loading of sub trees, which speeds up the initial load of the popup considerably, especially when there are a lot of bookmarks


UPDATE v0.95
* On mac the command key works again to open links in a new tab


UPDATE v0.94
* It is now possible to edit bookmarks and bookmark folders
* Deleting bookmarks and folders now ask for confirmation to prevent accidental deletes


UPDATE v0.93
* Correctly remember position of tree when the option "Close currently opened folder when opening a new one." is enabled.
* Correcly remember which folders were open and open them again when "Close currently opened folder when opening a new one." is enabled.


UPDATE v0.92
* Bookmarks and folders are now sortable via drag and drop *BETA*. Chrome has some weird behavior with sorting bookmarks. I believe I teckled them all, but YMMV. It's a good idea to backup your bookmarks before trying this, just to be sure.
* Option to delete bookmarks and bookmark folders
* When you add/edit/delete a bookmark, the omnibox will reload it's date so it's always up to date (used to be that when you added a new bookmark you had to restart chrome for the omnibar to find it).
* Lazy loading of the bookmarks for the omnibar - only load when really needed, not earlier.


UPDATE v0.91
* Added options for preferred width and height. MBT will do its best to adhere to these preferences but doesn't guarantee them [it will be smaller if it won't fit on the screen]
* Added option for zoom level


* Cleaning up code
* Added option to remember scroll position on window close
* Added option to hide empty folders


* Fixed problem with context menu
* Added animation speed setting to options page
* Switched to jQuery 1.8


* New folder icons
* Added options screen with options
** Close currently opened folder when opening a new one
** When clicking "Open all", open all bookmarks in all subfolders as well


* Updated manifest file to version 2


UPDATE v0.4:
* When holding down ctrl on a pc, or command on a mac, and clicking a bookmark it will open in a new tab in the background without closing minimal bookmarks tree [thanks Sterling A for this suggestion]
* Changed scrollbar to a simpler one that better goes with the extension [thanks Sterling A for this suggestion]
* Show title and URL as tooltips for a bookmark [thanks Sterling A and "A Google User" for this suggestion]


UPDATE v0.3:
* Bookmarks are no longer split out to "Bookmarks bar" and "Other bookmarks", but the "Bookmarks Bar" is shown together with the contents of "Other bookmarks"
* Right clicking a folder now gives you the option to open all bookmarks within that folder in new tabs
* font size a bit smaller
* maximal height is 500px to work nicely with netbooks

Minimal Bookmarks Tree Chrome插件图片

  • Minimal Bookmarks Tree插件图片
  • Minimal Bookmarks Tree插件图片
  • Minimal Bookmarks Tree插件图片

Minimal Bookmarks Tree基本信息

插件名称:Minimal Bookmarks Tree 插件作者:Rémon van de Kamp 插件语言:English 官方站点:暂无官方站点 插件唯一标识:mohenkbngkbmdlkiemonbgdfgdjacaeb

Minimal Bookmarks Tree用户数和评分

下载次数:12666 用户评分:4.49351 (共5分) 参与评分人数:77

Minimal Bookmarks Tree文件信息

当前版本:1.1 最后更新日期:2020-06-07 文件大小:33.27KB

Minimal Bookmarks Tree下载地址

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